January 28, 2025


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Wordle: The Word Game That’s Taken Over the Internet

5 min read

Wordle is a web-based word game created and developed by Welsh software engineer Josh Wardle.

Players have six attempts to guess a five-letter word, with feedback given for each guess in the form of colored tiles indicating when letters match or occupy the correct position.

The game is simple, addictive and challenging, and has become a viral sensation since its launch in October 2021.

wordlePhoto by Nils Huenerfuerst on Unsplash

How to Play

To play Wordle, you need to visit The New York Times website where the game is hosted. You can also access the game on Wordle Game, which offers unlimited words, different languages to play with, and some other games as well.

The game starts with an empty grid of 25 tiles, arranged in five rows and five columns. You need to type a five-letter word on the first row and hit enter. The game will then mark each letter with a color:

  • Green: The letter is in the hidden word and in the correct position.
  • Yellow: The letter is in the hidden word but not in the correct position.
  • Gray: The letter is not in the hidden word.

You can use these clues to narrow down your next guesses. You have five more rows to guess the hidden word. If you guess it correctly, the grid will turn green and you will see a firework animation. If you run out of rows, the grid will turn red and you will see the hidden word revealed.

You can also see how other players have performed on the same word by clicking on the “All Guesses” button at the bottom of the page. You can also share your results on social media using the “Share” button.

Why is Wordle so popular?

Wordle has gained a huge following on the internet, with millions of players trying their luck every day. The game has been praised for its simplicity, elegance and difficulty. Some of the reasons why Wordle is so popular are:

  • It’s free and accessible: You don’t need to download anything or sign up for anything to play Wordle. You just need a web browser and an internet connection. You can play it on any device, anytime, anywhere.
  • It’s challenging and satisfying: Wordle tests your vocabulary, logic and deduction skills. It’s not easy to guess a five-letter word in six tries, especially when there are over 17,000 possible words in the game’s dictionary. But when you do, it feels rewarding and satisfying.
  • It’s social and shareable: Wordle encourages players to share their results and compare their scores with others. You can see how your friends, family and celebrities have fared on the same word. You can also create your own puzzles and challenge others to solve them.
  • It’s fun and addictive: Wordle is a simple game that can keep you hooked for hours. It’s fun to try different words and strategies, and to see how far you can go. It’s also addictive to play every day, as there is a new word every day.

Wordle Tips and Tricks

If you want to improve your Wordle skills, here are some tips and tricks that might help you:

  • Start with common letters: Some letters are more common than others in English words. For example, E, T, A, O, I, N and S are among the most frequent letters in the language. Try starting with words that contain these letters to get more clues.
  • Use vowel patterns: Vowels are essential for forming words, but there are only five of them (A, E, I, O and U). Try using words that have different vowel patterns to eliminate possibilities. For example, if you guess “ALERT” and get one green tile and one yellow tile, you know that the hidden word has either an A or an E in it, but not both.
  • Avoid repeating letters: Unless you are sure that a letter is in the hidden word, avoid using words that have repeated letters. For example, if you guess “APPLE” and get no green tiles and no yellow tiles, you know that none of those letters are in the hidden word.
  • Use synonyms and antonyms: Sometimes, the hidden word might be related to a word that you have already guessed. For example, if you guess “HAPPY” and get two green tiles and one yellow tile, you might try “JOLLY” or “SADLY” as your next guesses.
  • Think outside the box: Don’t limit yourself to common or familiar words. Sometimes, the hidden word might be obscure or unusual. For example, some of the past words have been “QUARK”, “ZEBRA” and “XYLEM”. Try using words that have uncommon letters or combinations to increase your chances of finding the hidden word.

Fun stories from Wordle players

Wordle has inspired many players to share their success stories on social media. Here are some examples of Wordle achievements that have impressed or amused the internet:

  • A 10-year-old boy who guessed “QUARK” on his first try, stunning his parents and teachers.
  • A woman who guessed “XYLEM” on her sixth try, after trying words like “LYRIC”, “LYING” and “LYNCH”.
  • A man who guessed “ZEBRA” on his second try, after trying “ZOOOO” as a joke.
  • A woman who guessed “JUICE” on her first try, after dreaming about the word the night before.

Here are some fun stories related to Wordle game:

  • A man used Wordle to propose to his girlfriend by creating a custom puzzle that spelled out “MARRY ME”. She said yes and shared the screenshot on Twitter.
  • A woman created a Wordle-inspired cake for her husband’s birthday, complete with green, yellow and gray frosting. She also made a matching card with the word “LOVER”.
  • A group of friends played Wordle together every day for a month and recorded their scores and reactions in a spreadsheet. They also made graphs and charts to analyze their performance and trends.
  • A teacher used Wordle to teach his students about vocabulary, spelling and word patterns. He also challenged them to create their own Wordle puzzles and share them with the class.
  • A couple played Wordle every morning as a way to stay connected during the pandemic. They also used the game as a conversation starter and a source of humor.

Wordle is a game that can bring joy, challenge and fun to anyone who plays it… a game that can test your knowledge, skills and luck, that can connect you with others who share your passion.

It’s a game that can make you smile, laugh and celebrate.

It’s a game that we recommend trying today. 🙂


© cashmeere


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